José-Vicente Lafuente
University of the Basque Country
MD and PhD from University of Zaragoza (Spain), Full Professor for Human Anatomy and Embryology at the Department of Neuroscience (UPV-EHU). He has supervised 20 Ph.D. works. He has been Invited Professor and Visiting Researcher at several European (Free University of Berlin, MCNN Birmingham) and Latinamerican universities (Chile, Valparaiso, Mendoza…). His main Research interests are in neuropathology and neurobiology of adaptive postnatal changes in the microvasculature of CNS in health and disease. He has been autor of 120 original papers and 33 reviewed book chapters. He is actively involved in cooperative networking in neuroscience research.
Research Interest
Neuropathology and Neurobiology of adaptive postnatal changes in the microvasculature of CNS in health and disease.